Did you ever wanted to be a superhero? I bet that anywhere in you're lifetime you probably pretended to run as fast as Flash, fly high like Superman or web sling-like spiderman. But did you know that you CAN actually have superpowers and become a SUPERHERO? Hey, easy! I'm not talking about having a super high tech to achieve that despite there are some nowadays technologies striving to accomplish this feat. I'm rather talking about superpowered like competences and abilities that will make people consider you a Superhero and boost your chances to succeed in life... and with the Ladies 😎😎😎. So stick to the reading...
Once again, easy. There isn't a tech yet that can make you crush a building with your fingers or toss a car across the street, but you can still achieve a considerable strength through bodybuilding. Strength training, popularly known as weight training, is a form of resistance exercise, usually practiced in gyms, for the training and development of skeletal muscles.
Besides being strong it also improves body posture, fights anxiety problems and decreases the risk of disease. And the best thing is that you can even train in the comfort of your house. There are plenty of apps you can subscribe to start building that strong body of yours.
And if you are a woman thinking that this superpower is exclusive for men, think again. You don't need to look like the hulk but you should strive to build a strong body too to help you in everyday activities and have that female superhero body shape to get boys crazy...
While being superstrong is a hack of a superpower, it is not the only superpower you should try to develop, especially if you need to succeed in professional branch.
Super-reading might seem like a low type of superpower, but in today's competitive society were people try to excel by gaining more knowledge in less time, this superpower will be way more useful than the first one. Even Bill Gates has already admitted that if he could choose a superpower, it would be reading faster. What Bill Gates and the rest of the highly successful people understand, is that knowledge is power.
The ability to process information faster than with books, articles and reports can make us improve many aspects of our lives and learn a lot more in less time. So if you still need 10 seconds just to read the title of this post, you've got some work to do. A lot of work actually. I recommend this article on 5 Tips to read faster without losing comprehension...
Remember when you used to see The Flash series binge-watching each episode wishing you could have is speed? Now you surely can. Well, you surely can't run as fast as him, but I'm damn sure you could type as fast as him (or at least somewhere close).
This is another ability that looks very simplistic but I guarantee you that this superpower is going to help you a lot, especially in the business branch. I can't recall for how many times my chief or other co-workers asked me to help them to compose a full document just because of my super-typing ability. It also helped me a lot writing all my posts in less time (including this one) and I'm sure it will come handy for you too.
The best thing about this superpower is that every professional, student or layman needs it. After all, we all must compose a document any time in our lives and, well, let's be real: it's a daunting and time-consuming task. So if you want to save time and look like a supercool keyboard hacker this one is sure to be on your list.
Would you consider yourself someone smart? What if I told you that you CAN become smarter? From all the superpowers I have already talked about in this post, none of them is easier to achieve than super-intelligence. Sure, you have to read a couple books and train your brain daily, but you'll reap the benefits of appearing more intellectual and have meaningful conversations with people. So, want to know how to become smarter? Read this article on how to be intelligent from Wikihow and start developing your super-intelligence in less time.
Yep, I'm not joking. But please don't read me wrong though. Remember that 2017 movie "The League Justice" when the flash asked Batman what his superpower was and he answered, "I'm rich"? Man, that was the best superpower answer I could ever hear from a superhero movie. But jokes aside, Let's be real: Money is imperative. We all need it to fulfill all our needs in everyday life. Every time your mom (or whoever) forces you to wake up early in the morning to buy bread, you use money. Every time you have to take a taxi cab to school/work you use money. Every time you have to buy a diaper to use it in your son/nephew/neighbor child you use money.
Did you get the point? If you want to have a sustainable life where you can live and pay for all your needs (whatever they are) you have to be financially stable. But I'm not talking about being as rich as Bill Gates or other super-rich nowadays entrepreneurs. I'm rather talking about having a sustainable life where you can at least have the basics supplies covered from wherever you're needs are.
And I go further: If you're a man, this superpower must be a must in your superpower list. YOU HAVE to be financially stable. After all, if you want to get married, have children and start a family (or not), this is a superpower that definitely increases your social value. If you want to know how to develop this superpower, I recommend reading some Finances/Investment book to help you cope with the money you earn and start investing. I can send you some of these books if you want to. Just DM me and I'll send them right away for you...
So, what do you think of these superpowers? Are there any of them you'd like to include in your list? Tell me below and until next time...
Other subject matter:
Be more positive
Curiosities of the week
The Power of Discipline
Increase Your Social Value
#1 - Super-strength
Once again, easy. There isn't a tech yet that can make you crush a building with your fingers or toss a car across the street, but you can still achieve a considerable strength through bodybuilding. Strength training, popularly known as weight training, is a form of resistance exercise, usually practiced in gyms, for the training and development of skeletal muscles.
Besides being strong it also improves body posture, fights anxiety problems and decreases the risk of disease. And the best thing is that you can even train in the comfort of your house. There are plenty of apps you can subscribe to start building that strong body of yours.
And if you are a woman thinking that this superpower is exclusive for men, think again. You don't need to look like the hulk but you should strive to build a strong body too to help you in everyday activities and have that female superhero body shape to get boys crazy...
#2 - Super-reading
While being superstrong is a hack of a superpower, it is not the only superpower you should try to develop, especially if you need to succeed in professional branch.
Super-reading might seem like a low type of superpower, but in today's competitive society were people try to excel by gaining more knowledge in less time, this superpower will be way more useful than the first one. Even Bill Gates has already admitted that if he could choose a superpower, it would be reading faster. What Bill Gates and the rest of the highly successful people understand, is that knowledge is power.
The ability to process information faster than with books, articles and reports can make us improve many aspects of our lives and learn a lot more in less time. So if you still need 10 seconds just to read the title of this post, you've got some work to do. A lot of work actually. I recommend this article on 5 Tips to read faster without losing comprehension...
#3 - Super-typing
Remember when you used to see The Flash series binge-watching each episode wishing you could have is speed? Now you surely can. Well, you surely can't run as fast as him, but I'm damn sure you could type as fast as him (or at least somewhere close).
This is another ability that looks very simplistic but I guarantee you that this superpower is going to help you a lot, especially in the business branch. I can't recall for how many times my chief or other co-workers asked me to help them to compose a full document just because of my super-typing ability. It also helped me a lot writing all my posts in less time (including this one) and I'm sure it will come handy for you too.
The best thing about this superpower is that every professional, student or layman needs it. After all, we all must compose a document any time in our lives and, well, let's be real: it's a daunting and time-consuming task. So if you want to save time and look like a supercool keyboard hacker this one is sure to be on your list.
#4 - Super-intelligence
Would you consider yourself someone smart? What if I told you that you CAN become smarter? From all the superpowers I have already talked about in this post, none of them is easier to achieve than super-intelligence. Sure, you have to read a couple books and train your brain daily, but you'll reap the benefits of appearing more intellectual and have meaningful conversations with people. So, want to know how to become smarter? Read this article on how to be intelligent from Wikihow and start developing your super-intelligence in less time.
#5 - Super-rich
Yep, I'm not joking. But please don't read me wrong though. Remember that 2017 movie "The League Justice" when the flash asked Batman what his superpower was and he answered, "I'm rich"? Man, that was the best superpower answer I could ever hear from a superhero movie. But jokes aside, Let's be real: Money is imperative. We all need it to fulfill all our needs in everyday life. Every time your mom (or whoever) forces you to wake up early in the morning to buy bread, you use money. Every time you have to take a taxi cab to school/work you use money. Every time you have to buy a diaper to use it in your son/nephew/neighbor child you use money.
Did you get the point? If you want to have a sustainable life where you can live and pay for all your needs (whatever they are) you have to be financially stable. But I'm not talking about being as rich as Bill Gates or other super-rich nowadays entrepreneurs. I'm rather talking about having a sustainable life where you can at least have the basics supplies covered from wherever you're needs are.
And I go further: If you're a man, this superpower must be a must in your superpower list. YOU HAVE to be financially stable. After all, if you want to get married, have children and start a family (or not), this is a superpower that definitely increases your social value. If you want to know how to develop this superpower, I recommend reading some Finances/Investment book to help you cope with the money you earn and start investing. I can send you some of these books if you want to. Just DM me and I'll send them right away for you...
So, what do you think of these superpowers? Are there any of them you'd like to include in your list? Tell me below and until next time...
Other subject matter:
Be more positive
Curiosities of the week
The Power of Discipline
Increase Your Social Value